Moving to Jekyll

I’ve been looking into moving some stuff to a Kubernetes cluster to play aroudn with that, and one item I thought of moving was this blog. However, as wordpress is not really designed for that application, I started looking at alternatives. I have always had a facisnation with static site generators, but I never found a theme that I liked, and my design skills, well, suck. However, I came across a theme that I really like Chirpy for the Jekyll static site generator.

I ended up installing it and playing around a bit to customize the theme, and while I don’t fully understand how to overide all the SCSS items, I got it working to a point that seems pretty nice.

I look forwward to getting a good workflow setup for updating this site automatically on git pushes and creating a minimal static site container. I’ll make sure to do some writeups as I start moving to automating on a Kubernetes install
